Taos Mountain Film Festival

Taos Mountain Film Festival

Jonathan Slator is the Founding Director and Executive Director of two film festivals: Taos Picture Show and Taos Mountain Film Festival. His long and varied work in the film world qualified him to head the Taos Picture Show, which showcased innovative independent cinema from across the globe. His experiences in, and love for, the mountains and all wild places, translated into The Taos Mountain Film Festival, which offered exposure for a wide range of documentary films. Many of the finalists highlighted important environmental issues, while many documented low budget adventures often shot in extreme conditions and with minimal support.

Sadly the global economic crisis of 2008 decimated the funding potential for these types of projects. However the programmes can be viewed on the links below. Jonathan hopes to revive his labour of love, the Taos Mountain Film Festival, as his workload on other projects decreases.

Taos Mountain Film Festival programs, 2002-2009

Click the little next to each festival program for a full-screen view.